It's ok to decide not to air kiss
but to go all out and plant a kiss on the stunned person's cheek
(Oh dont go complaining now, not my fault you're wearing loads of make-up and it's all smudged with my kiss, every proper lady knows to carry around extra stash, for 'unforeseen contingencies')
It's ok to despise people in relationships
simply because you've been unlucky in love
and to put on the fake sad face when sally comes crying
about how she got dumped
and you go aww shame, poor thing!
when what you mean to say is:
"I knew it, good for nothing scumbags those men!"
(Oh shh...most of us human beings have been there)
It's ok to cheat on your diet
sometimes nothing does it better than a big slab of chocolate
and nice movies where the characters have a far more depressing life than you do
not even the 'friendlings'(friends, frenemies, busy-bodies, amebos, gbegboruns, gossips)
can beat that.
It's ok to cry out loud
and ask God 'where art thou?'
when the going gets tough and it seems too much to bear
(Atheists, i dont mean to exclude you here, i suppose you could cry out to the universe?)
It's ok to cry for no good reason
It's healthy to cry and if you haven't in a while
you may wanna try it
it's therapeutic especially if you're not into BLOGGOTHERRAPY
Special note to the boys: There comes a period in the month where some ladies get very teary eyed, do not be alarmed when your girlfriend, mother, friend with benefits, friend or sister cries for no good reason it could be the uhmm...hormones.
(haha...i've always wanted to do that, it's kinda like explaining to a little child where babies come from...hilarious!)
It's ok to laugh at your own corny jokes
like i do all the time
though i recently found a special person
who seems to find me funny
and now my jokes dont seem so funny anymore
they were meant for just me you know
i was the only one who ever got them
now there's another.
it's like my jokes cheated on me you know?
You're still special Gid.:)
It's ok to fail sometimes
that's what makes the taste of success so much sweeter
you can finally say
''i have a story to tell''
or for the church goers, you can finally have a 1hour testimony to tell, shout out to my fellow Nigerian church goers!
It's ok to feel vulnerable
It's ok to stand up for what you believe in
It's ok to cry till you've got no tears left
It's ok to laugh so hard you snort
It's ok to feel sad because the world judges you
though they do not know you
It's ok to say: 'to hell with the world
I'm doing me.'
It's ok to be real
It's ok to do you.
''Be yourself everyone else is taken''
It's ok to say at noon:
Saturday, October 30, 2010
Thursday, October 28, 2010
And what is this thing with people phoning me to wish me luck, writing on my wall too even tweeting me luck in some cases. I know you mean well and all, but all you're doing is freaking me out. It reminds me of one of my Nigerian teachers who used to say "i wish you what you wish yourself" but now 'yourself' was pronounced 'yaaasssseeefff' and it had a sing-song tone to it like he was mocking you. I have been having nightmares of his squeaky nasal voice...i wake up expecting to see his sly grin (kinda like that joker, 'y so serious?' grin) but then i realise it's only a bad dream...not cool. My uncle phoned me at like 10pm last night and was telling me stuff like"do your best, your very best" and i kept diverting the conversation to talks on his numerous girlfriends and deliberating on which one of 'em he's going to marry ( boy, did we analyse?) At last, he gave up and then we went on to talk about how he wants an Indian wife that can dance like they do in the bollywood movies...he's a bollywood movie addict you see.
Just when i thought that was over, i got an sms from some random person i haven't spoken to in forever wishing me luck and this other guy sends me an sms(cheap, i know, at least phone me if you're gonna put me under pressure) anyway, he says Halleluyah like 10 times in a 1-page sms and this to wish me luck! Shame, he was only trying to be nice...o well. Africans and their over religionism (i know, i know it's not a word but Ag..this is my therapy, I'm allowed)...don't get me wrong, i love the lord and i know he loves me too, don't over do it you know? it's a relationship between you and God, showoffs!
I'm stressed, I'm breaking out (my dad took one look at my face and actually said I'm gonna have to go to the derma, that's how bad it is), i probably shouldn't be blogging now, but i needed to release the negative energy, like i said it's my therapy, 'Bloggotherapy' i like to call it. Yes, yes indeed, add it to your dictionary.Y'all should totally try this, if you don't have a thing for writing, just write in a journal or a diary or something, it helps i tell you.
Bonjour! (even though it's not morning...agg who cares?)
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
I've got NOSHA!

This piece was inspired by my dear friend and future in-law, Tayo Oyedipe. The term, NOSHA is short for No Shame. When i first heard it and when he finally told me what it meant, i thought to myself dude, that's the gayest thing i ever heard, i think i actually said that to him. However, the term has rubbed off on me and just today, i told my brother he's got NOSHA, for continuously asking me whether or not his shoes go well with his outfit, like seriously? i suppose that's what happens when a guy's childhood is spent with three girls and no guy at home, i for one am every woman so you can just imagine. Anyway, back to why i made use of this title, i think that as people we love to judge and criticise those shrieking idols contestants, the girls who went on x-factor and swore at the audience and the judges, lady gaga and her funky heels(i know many of us were going, yeah! good, that serves her right, now we know she's human) when she fell on her bum, rihanna's hair (even though many of us have succumbed to trying to copy her hairstyles) i.e those who dare to do something seemingly ridiculous (I refuse to use the word stupid in light of this piece) with NOSHA. But, yet, how many of us can say well, I've done something not too smart in my life before...i did this and i did that. Why is this important? Life is not always about planning and being organised and well thought happens once people, just once, dare to do something out of the ordinary. Someone once told me, life is what happens, when you're done making plans.
Like Tayo also said to me, get dumped once(ok, this is the exception, i don't get dumped, i do the dumping), get lost once, go somewhere and not know how you're gonna get home, go to a gay club(okay, he didn't say that but, dude it's on my bucket list, i just wanna experience it mahn! dont judge), cry in public and a list of other scenarios, i think you get the idea. Look, I'll be smart with you, i once told my friend, Gideon, if he wanted to go to the strip club, he should tell me so i could dress as a guy and go with him, i was being dead serious, i think he thought i was joking though.
Now, don't get me wrong, you don't have to do something as bizarre as going to a gay club or anything like that, but sometimes just once in a while do something crazy. Now, if you're not in your youth then maybe you shouldn't go crashing other people's parties or like me trying to get into a strip club on the pretense of being a guy. You could go bungee jumping or skiing or parachuting or form a band with other people that can't sing, if all else fails, try auditioning for Idols, i promise not to laugh.
I'm doing something after my exams, my two friends and i decided we're going to form a band. It's going to be called the EmoPoppingBallerinaz! Kelly, who was my inspiration for one of my earlier pieces, is going to be dressed as an emo girlie..i mean, jet black hair with a side swept fringe, the whole shibang. Tessa, is going to be dressed as a ballerina(she looks pretty cute in her ballet, and yours truly will be dressed, look inspired by Riri(yeah it's going to be amazing) best of all, we're going to perform by the side of the road, pots and pans as our only instruments. I promise to post photos of this event. However, do not judge.
So people live like today's your last day and tomorrow will be too late. Life happens just once.Enjoy it, do something out of the ordinary. Be able to get to a point where when you're old and grey, you can tell your grandchildren that you lived a pretty darn good life. Don't wait for life to pass you by.

Live with NOSHA.

Live with NOSHA.
Photo source:
Monday, October 25, 2010
So i probably shouldn't be blogging right now because i should be in exam mode, all focused and all. Sorry people, that dont work for me, blogging at this moment in time, is how i manage to stay sane so do not judge. I have been studying-no worries! I wrote my first paper today and it went well, oh and for all those who hate on social networking sites, questions came up on facebook and twitter and skype. Yes, Yes indeed you heard me right. It was a Computer Applications Technology paper so don't go wondering what kinda education i'm getting...i'm getting a pretty good one if i may say so myself. Anyway, somehow, my mind works better when i multi-task and no it's not just a flimsy excuse for blogging and no, Nigerians, it is not guilty conco aka guilty conscience...mscheew...just letting the bad belle people know is all, forgive me if you don't fall in that category.
Anyway, back to Standard English, so i think from my previous posts you may have guessed and correctly too that i am in fact a Social Networking junkie, just as i was thinking Ag...facebook has become boring, i was somehow directed to first i could not figure out what the fuss about twitter was, and i still can't figure it out, but i tweeet (oh for non twitterers, that's an action you do on twitter, it's a like a verb, 'to tweet'...ok that's a bad explanation, ask someone who tweets mahn! I'm still new at this twitter thing, but it's exciting anyway.
So, do y'all ever get this thing where you can't fall asleep during an exam period because you keep having nightmares or asking yourself possible questions in your sleep or doing calculus or formulating essays or whatever else because you're panicking? well, I've been getting that a lot and then some. When i stress my skin becomes even worse than usual and that's bad. However, I'm at a point in my life where i really couldn't care less. I mean there's so much more to life right? right? ok if you disagree keep your opinions to yourself thank you very much.
So I've devised a way to help me deal with stress, i use my imagination-i day dream. Yes people daydreaming. It helps a lot, you should try it. I imagine everything from how i'm going to let that back biting gossip of a girl get a piece of my mind, to letting that guy know that he must just put a sock in it- he really isn't all that, to bumping and grinding when the exams are over, to putting my fashionistaness ness on and shopping till i drop(literally this time the words of my Naija peeps...dem go teh), to forming that band kelly and i talked about.(PS. we shall get on a golden arrow bus and sing in the middle of the road with pots, pans and home made tambourines as our only instruments. Oh and Tessa, Tristan and Gideon volunteered too) and some other things i won't say.(I knew i shouldn't have told my mum, aunt and u

So i know i always have some words of wisdom and something inspiring to say at the end of my blogs, but today's an exception. Exam stress is clogging up my mind and i can't think properly. So I'm gonna go on now and daydream for a bit before i continue studying. Oh! and i'm tempted to not say Bonjour too, cos in my part of the world it's night-time (first time i'm blogging at night). But i'll say it anyway. It's my trademark after all. Think happy thoughts no matter how depressing your life is at the moment. Mwa all!
Saturday, October 23, 2010
In need of some Retail Therapy

So, like the title suggests, i'm very in need of retail therapy atm(for y'all who dont social network, that's short for 'at the moment'). Now, these are the times when i wish my mother had raised me to appreciate nature just so i could be less materialistic...i mean imagine me as a hippie(ok, no i don't really see it either) or as an eco-friendly woman(naaat!) anyway, you get my point. I wish i could have so much fun looking at the stars, going to the beach and watching the sunset or rise, going to the dam and looking at the little ducklings and marvel at God's creativity u know? I know my need to shop till i drop is going to haunt me in future when i spend all my money on heels i'll never wear, which is the more reason i think Actuarial Science is for me( it pays good bucks you know? only if you pass though...sorry to kill the buzz!) that and i love maths(you would never have thought init? well, i'm weird like that :P)
My bestie, Kelly Payne, is my inspiration for this post. She appreciates the little things in life and she's never down. Even when she is, she says to herself, there must be someone out there who's got it worse. I know, very admirable outlook towards life.
Now i on the other hand, when i feel down, i feel down. And i mean i get emo. I couldn't care less about some other person in the world somewhere who's got it worse. I vent, i cry(not in public though), i put up my mxit mood as sad, i get irritable, i slam doors, i pick fights with my ever willing brother and i just hate the rest of the world for that period. It boils over, then i ask myself: "why am i such a biyatch? and look where all that crying's got me, nowhere with a throbbing headache that wont go away, plus those broken doors wont fix themselves up and an angry dad who says he's going to take out the money to fix the door from my account. Well, there goes my retail therapy". Don't get me wrong, i'm a nice lady when i'm happy(i think...) and no i do not have anger issues, neither am i in denial.
This is something that i think most of us can relate to in that we've got to be less materialistic, more open-minded and less focused on the bad aspects of our life and the things that get us down. It's very difficult to get the kind of outlook towards life that my friend kelly has if you're just not like that, believe me i know. But it begins with the trying, it's that idea of you can do anything to which you put your mind.
So, if you're like me, loving to rage against the world when you're feeling depro, c'mon let's make a change cos i know that shitty after-math feeling ain't pretty. Make a conscious effort to turn the tears to a smile cos u know what? when life hands u a pack of lemons, make lemonade out of it.
It begins with you.

Thursday, October 21, 2010
I write what i like!

Now for those avid history fans, i think u will recognise the title. Yes yes indeed, i have in fact borrowed(well,stolen) the title of a book by one of my role models and Black Consciousness philosophy developer, Steve Biko. However, my fascination with him shall be discussed in future when it isn't so obvious.
This title totally suits my mood today. I've been away for a while and i actually shouldn't be posting a blog as I've got exams in a week. But i am, so sue me. This brings me to my topic of discussion for the day. Why is it that when we've got work to do or for students like me when we should be studying everything else seems so alluring? I mean i know with me, I've had the opportunity to write a new post during the holidays but i was too lazy to and then Viola! i know i should be studying for exams and i decide oh! wait a minute, there's my blog. Another example would be Facebook, now that's bad, i become a stalker checking people's profiles and photos. I know, i know, i dont get out much so i'll take what i get.
Seriously though, i suppose that's where self discipline comes in then, being able to put things into perspective and realising that one's 'gotta' do what one's 'gotta' do when one should do it-Time management maybe?
I missed writing for sure and i wont ever leave y'all hanging, all 3 readers you.
Special thanks to Jesudunsin Osinaike for reminding me about my blog, i appreciate it!

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