So, like the title suggests, i'm very in need of retail therapy atm(for y'all who dont social network, that's short for 'at the moment'). Now, these are the times when i wish my mother had raised me to appreciate nature just so i could be less materialistic...i mean imagine me as a hippie(ok, no i don't really see it either) or as an eco-friendly woman(naaat!) anyway, you get my point. I wish i could have so much fun looking at the stars, going to the beach and watching the sunset or rise, going to the dam and looking at the little ducklings and marvel at God's creativity u know? I know my need to shop till i drop is going to haunt me in future when i spend all my money on heels i'll never wear, which is the more reason i think Actuarial Science is for me( it pays good bucks you know? only if you pass though...sorry to kill the buzz!) that and i love maths(you would never have thought init? well, i'm weird like that :P)
My bestie, Kelly Payne, is my inspiration for this post. She appreciates the little things in life and she's never down. Even when she is, she says to herself, there must be someone out there who's got it worse. I know, very admirable outlook towards life.
Now i on the other hand, when i feel down, i feel down. And i mean i get emo. I couldn't care less about some other person in the world somewhere who's got it worse. I vent, i cry(not in public though), i put up my mxit mood as sad, i get irritable, i slam doors, i pick fights with my ever willing brother and i just hate the rest of the world for that period. It boils over, then i ask myself: "why am i such a biyatch? and look where all that crying's got me, nowhere with a throbbing headache that wont go away, plus those broken doors wont fix themselves up and an angry dad who says he's going to take out the money to fix the door from my account. Well, there goes my retail therapy". Don't get me wrong, i'm a nice lady when i'm happy(i think...) and no i do not have anger issues, neither am i in denial.
This is something that i think most of us can relate to in that we've got to be less materialistic, more open-minded and less focused on the bad aspects of our life and the things that get us down. It's very difficult to get the kind of outlook towards life that my friend kelly has if you're just not like that, believe me i know. But it begins with the trying, it's that idea of you can do anything to which you put your mind.
So, if you're like me, loving to rage against the world when you're feeling depro, c'mon let's make a change cos i know that shitty after-math feeling ain't pretty. Make a conscious effort to turn the tears to a smile cos u know what? when life hands u a pack of lemons, make lemonade out of it.
It begins with you.

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