So i probably shouldn't be blogging right now because i should be in exam mode, all focused and all. Sorry people, that dont work for me, blogging at this moment in time, is how i manage to stay sane so do not judge. I have been studying-no worries! I wrote my first paper today and it went well, oh and for all those who hate on social networking sites, questions came up on facebook and twitter and skype. Yes, Yes indeed you heard me right. It was a Computer Applications Technology paper so don't go wondering what kinda education i'm getting...i'm getting a pretty good one if i may say so myself. Anyway, somehow, my mind works better when i multi-task and no it's not just a flimsy excuse for blogging and no, Nigerians, it is not guilty conco aka guilty conscience...mscheew...just letting the bad belle people know is all, forgive me if you don't fall in that category.
Anyway, back to Standard English, so i think from my previous posts you may have guessed and correctly too that i am in fact a Social Networking junkie, just as i was thinking Ag...facebook has become boring, i was somehow directed to first i could not figure out what the fuss about twitter was, and i still can't figure it out, but i tweeet (oh for non twitterers, that's an action you do on twitter, it's a like a verb, 'to tweet'...ok that's a bad explanation, ask someone who tweets mahn! I'm still new at this twitter thing, but it's exciting anyway.
So, do y'all ever get this thing where you can't fall asleep during an exam period because you keep having nightmares or asking yourself possible questions in your sleep or doing calculus or formulating essays or whatever else because you're panicking? well, I've been getting that a lot and then some. When i stress my skin becomes even worse than usual and that's bad. However, I'm at a point in my life where i really couldn't care less. I mean there's so much more to life right? right? ok if you disagree keep your opinions to yourself thank you very much.
So I've devised a way to help me deal with stress, i use my imagination-i day dream. Yes people daydreaming. It helps a lot, you should try it. I imagine everything from how i'm going to let that back biting gossip of a girl get a piece of my mind, to letting that guy know that he must just put a sock in it- he really isn't all that, to bumping and grinding when the exams are over, to putting my fashionistaness ness on and shopping till i drop(literally this time the words of my Naija peeps...dem go teh), to forming that band kelly and i talked about.(PS. we shall get on a golden arrow bus and sing in the middle of the road with pots, pans and home made tambourines as our only instruments. Oh and Tessa, Tristan and Gideon volunteered too) and some other things i won't say.(I knew i shouldn't have told my mum, aunt and u

So i know i always have some words of wisdom and something inspiring to say at the end of my blogs, but today's an exception. Exam stress is clogging up my mind and i can't think properly. So I'm gonna go on now and daydream for a bit before i continue studying. Oh! and i'm tempted to not say Bonjour too, cos in my part of the world it's night-time (first time i'm blogging at night). But i'll say it anyway. It's my trademark after all. Think happy thoughts no matter how depressing your life is at the moment. Mwa all!
ok ooo so wats ur name on twitter ...and most ppl work better or do beta when dey doin dmtin dey gud @ e.g multi tasking, talking while reading , or even do it in a noisey environment!!! (just saying)