The new semester starts today.
Lately, I've been getting a lot of alone time, which I really can say, does not bother me at all, if anything, I'm thankful, finally I can breathe.You know as individuals, life is tough, it's easy to get caught up in its nonsense and nearly lose it which is why we need that 'quiet time' as some people call it, in which to reflect on our lives as a whole, on the day's activities, a decision to be made and for believers to pray to God.In doing this, I have found peace and contentment. I have also been able to delve deep within myself to understand me and to get a real sense of who I am.
#inother news(I forgot to tell you, I have finally begun to understand twitter, and proud to say, I am a certified tweep, yes,you may give the applause) A wise woman once said to me,'choose your friends, do not let them choose you' unbeknownst to me, this was going to come in handy, as only recently did I get a true sense of what this statement really meant.This brings me to my main message to you today.
You see, life is all about choices. The choices we make determine who we are, what we are going to be, and what we are becoming; good or bad they will lead to their respective consequences. Hell, that you're here today is as a result of a decision two adults(let's hope) made (don't worry even if you were an accident baby, you're still a result of a choice to have sex).Bottom line, you were brought into the world, due to choices made.
In this semester, I have made certain choices which I hope will bring me peace and comfort. Some friends are going to take a hike, others I will draw closer, my bible's going to become a book to which I intend to get acquainted and it shall cease being my bedside table decoration as well as, I intend to do a lot of growing up(sick-face) and best of all, whilst doing all of this, I intend to still find the time to have good fun and enjoy what life has to offer.
If you're reading this and you're currently in a really dark corner in your life, I would recommend you pray however, if you're agnostic or atheist I will say this, It only takes you closing your eyes to stop and breathe and take in the full sense of what's happening to you and in your life and make deliberate changes(once again, choices) to them. What bothers you? What's depressing you? What can you do to change it? What do you want out of life? Then, get up, wipe those tears or that frown or that smirk, and start Now!!! It only takes that first oh so little step to be just that much closer to whatever it is that you so desire.
Goodluck all and may you all find peace, serenity and happiness.
I have to head to class now before Prof Fish Lips begins to have a fit!
Monday, July 18, 2011
Thursday, July 7, 2011
So it's been a while since i put up a post. In that time, I've been through losing friends, making new 'frenemies' and making new friends, all happening oddly simultaneously what with my move to a different part of the country and having to start over, as well as, adapt to a new environment and meet a new group of people.
'Happy New Year' all! Yes, it's been that long. There's more to be expected from my more recent blog posts, my writing will take a new turn, in that it will maintain its humour in certain parts, however, a bit more mature both in structure and synthesis. I've been forced to grow up you see, not really liking it, but what can i say? It's one of the many beautiful things that come with having African parents, better yet, West African parents, yes people, I'm blessed! (sigh)
So since the last time i wrote, i got the opportunity to proof-read two scripts to the biography of a wonderful man, Dr Wallace Mgoqi, who happens to be one of those that fought for the freedom of South Africa's black population during the apartheid years, in the sector of town and regional planning. His story was indeed a great read and definitely inspiring too. As an 18 year old getting such an opportunity, it was indeed a highlight for me especially since i got amazing reviews from his publisher.
I started my first year at the University of Pretoria, it's been all well and good, except i think that the school is like a reaper, you know, wanting to take my soul like those spooky things you see in horror movies and think, 'this doesn't happen in reality', you're wrong, it does, I'm a witness to its occurrence. When a graduate friend of mine told me, "U.P is like a man that tells you you think you're smart huh? you think you're going to breeze through this? well, I plan to make you aware that you are nothing!" little did i know he spoke the truth and was not exaggerating. So yes, it's been very hectic, but I'm adapting and with hard work and a lot of trust placed in God comes good benefits and i look forward to this in my next semester.
I got to visit a shelter for children, which enables them to have an avenue in which they can be helped out with their homework and also given snacks after school. According to the supervisor, this became necessary as it was noticed that most of these children either came from homes where their parents were single and worked many jobs to get food on the table, or were single young teenage mothers who were still children themselves. It was a mind blowing experience as three of the girls sang 'Baby' a song made popular by the world's favourite nice haired teen, Justin Bieber. They also had really big dreams as many of them wanted to be presidents, doctors, singers and models.I discovered also that when speaking to children, it's ok to say you're studying money in order to avoid very unrelated questions.

In my time away, I've learnt that girls are indeed really stressful beings, and i think i may be sticking to having more guy friends than i do girls. So, i shall be confining myself to talks about alcohol, parties,computer games, sports, God and girls since that's all guys ever seem to talk about but at least you know you've got bodyguards if anyone did ever try anything with you, you could just holler!
Plans for the next semester include, getting way better grades than i did in my last semester so, i shall be living in the library. Also, my quest to take over the world is still very much in tact, i might be joining a musical band consisting of a fellow rapper, Mzwa, and a singer/instrumentalist, Craig. We're looking for a group name so any suggestions are welcome and I'll let you know how it all goes.
So far, one thing that doesn't seem to change is the fact that the learning never stops. I fall once in a while but the beauty of life is in getting up and not letting your experiences get you down, or worse yet, lose hope and faith in yourself. So, i charge you to get happy no matter what it is that's happening at this very moment in your life, yes, even if it entails cheating on that diet of yours, do what makes you happy!
Ok, i feel like I've said too much, but can you blame me? It's been too long and i missed blogville.:) Have a blessed day guys.
'Happy New Year' all! Yes, it's been that long. There's more to be expected from my more recent blog posts, my writing will take a new turn, in that it will maintain its humour in certain parts, however, a bit more mature both in structure and synthesis. I've been forced to grow up you see, not really liking it, but what can i say? It's one of the many beautiful things that come with having African parents, better yet, West African parents, yes people, I'm blessed! (sigh)
So since the last time i wrote, i got the opportunity to proof-read two scripts to the biography of a wonderful man, Dr Wallace Mgoqi, who happens to be one of those that fought for the freedom of South Africa's black population during the apartheid years, in the sector of town and regional planning. His story was indeed a great read and definitely inspiring too. As an 18 year old getting such an opportunity, it was indeed a highlight for me especially since i got amazing reviews from his publisher.
I started my first year at the University of Pretoria, it's been all well and good, except i think that the school is like a reaper, you know, wanting to take my soul like those spooky things you see in horror movies and think, 'this doesn't happen in reality', you're wrong, it does, I'm a witness to its occurrence. When a graduate friend of mine told me, "U.P is like a man that tells you you think you're smart huh? you think you're going to breeze through this? well, I plan to make you aware that you are nothing!" little did i know he spoke the truth and was not exaggerating. So yes, it's been very hectic, but I'm adapting and with hard work and a lot of trust placed in God comes good benefits and i look forward to this in my next semester.
I got to visit a shelter for children, which enables them to have an avenue in which they can be helped out with their homework and also given snacks after school. According to the supervisor, this became necessary as it was noticed that most of these children either came from homes where their parents were single and worked many jobs to get food on the table, or were single young teenage mothers who were still children themselves. It was a mind blowing experience as three of the girls sang 'Baby' a song made popular by the world's favourite nice haired teen, Justin Bieber. They also had really big dreams as many of them wanted to be presidents, doctors, singers and models.I discovered also that when speaking to children, it's ok to say you're studying money in order to avoid very unrelated questions.
In my time away, I've learnt that girls are indeed really stressful beings, and i think i may be sticking to having more guy friends than i do girls. So, i shall be confining myself to talks about alcohol, parties,computer games, sports, God and girls since that's all guys ever seem to talk about but at least you know you've got bodyguards if anyone did ever try anything with you, you could just holler!
Plans for the next semester include, getting way better grades than i did in my last semester so, i shall be living in the library. Also, my quest to take over the world is still very much in tact, i might be joining a musical band consisting of a fellow rapper, Mzwa, and a singer/instrumentalist, Craig. We're looking for a group name so any suggestions are welcome and I'll let you know how it all goes.
So far, one thing that doesn't seem to change is the fact that the learning never stops. I fall once in a while but the beauty of life is in getting up and not letting your experiences get you down, or worse yet, lose hope and faith in yourself. So, i charge you to get happy no matter what it is that's happening at this very moment in your life, yes, even if it entails cheating on that diet of yours, do what makes you happy!
Ok, i feel like I've said too much, but can you blame me? It's been too long and i missed blogville.:) Have a blessed day guys.
Sunday, December 26, 2010
So this is my first blog post without a title...
First of all, i'd like to say a big 'i'm sorry' for going M.I.A. In as much as i'd like to promise that it'll never happen again, it's christmas so, i wont make empty promises as unforeseen contingencies do occur.
You probably expect me to rant on about my Christmas and the gifts i got etc. I won't do that and come to think of it, i've given you Blogville 'peeps' the wrong impression of me, i have written things that would convince any wise, sane person that i am infact a vain, materialistic girlie with zero personality. However, slightly close to the truth that may be, it's not all there is to who i am or are wanting to be.
In my time away, i've been on a journey to self discovery. Did it work? Have i discovered myself? Do i know who i am or what i want out of life? In french, the answer to that is Non! In english it is no!
However, i was able to realise that all the time i kept trying to find faults in myself, and faults in my life, i was missing out on the good. I may have nearly maxed out my account on shopping this month alone, but hey! I got really good things that showcase the new me. My very own unique style. As vain and as insignificant as that may sound especially if you're a guy reading this, it was indeed my very first step to self discovery. Also, I got a piercing and guess what? i did it by myself. It hurt like swearing! But yeah, i did it, i did it all by myself not caring what anyone would think.
This year alone as we count down to the new year, i realise that i have made many mistakes this year and i still have no clue as to where my life is headed. However, i count my blessings too. I got accepted into the two universities to which i applied, i am constantly growing in my relationship with God and just today while sitting in the bath and just speaking to God with whom i also went MIA for a bit, i smiled with the realisation that happiness is not everything being the way we want it to be, it's not a good united family, it's not that boy that makes you go loco, it's not that girl who you think you can't do without, it's with you!
My eyes were opened to see that all this time, i was saddened over the little things in life that were affecting me and i could've sworn i was getting depressed, i had the power to say to hell with it, i will be happy. I'm alive and well; and because of that, i know that there is hope and with hope comes a belief in yourself that only you are in control of and one that is non-dwindling because if the whole world decided to abandon you, forget about you, you're the one person you can count on, isn't that a good feeling?
So count your blessings as we draw to the end of the year, be happy from within you, dont base your happiness on others because boy, will you be sorry! take it from someone who's been there. Enjoy the person that you are, celebrate it! If it takes you going on some retail therapy binging, do it! Get those crazy pants that make your friends go 'huh? that's ugly', who cares? no one dictates the rules except you. Whatever you do with these few days of the year 2010 left, be happy. Don't reflect on the 'could have, should have, would have' When we get to 2011, we'll deal with that.
Enjoy the festive season all! Stay blessed.
Sources of Photos
Special thanks to Amanda who reminded me i had a job to do. Thanks for being an avid follower!:)
First of all, i'd like to say a big 'i'm sorry' for going M.I.A. In as much as i'd like to promise that it'll never happen again, it's christmas so, i wont make empty promises as unforeseen contingencies do occur.
You probably expect me to rant on about my Christmas and the gifts i got etc. I won't do that and come to think of it, i've given you Blogville 'peeps' the wrong impression of me, i have written things that would convince any wise, sane person that i am infact a vain, materialistic girlie with zero personality. However, slightly close to the truth that may be, it's not all there is to who i am or are wanting to be.
In my time away, i've been on a journey to self discovery. Did it work? Have i discovered myself? Do i know who i am or what i want out of life? In french, the answer to that is Non! In english it is no!
However, i was able to realise that all the time i kept trying to find faults in myself, and faults in my life, i was missing out on the good. I may have nearly maxed out my account on shopping this month alone, but hey! I got really good things that showcase the new me. My very own unique style. As vain and as insignificant as that may sound especially if you're a guy reading this, it was indeed my very first step to self discovery. Also, I got a piercing and guess what? i did it by myself. It hurt like swearing! But yeah, i did it, i did it all by myself not caring what anyone would think.
This year alone as we count down to the new year, i realise that i have made many mistakes this year and i still have no clue as to where my life is headed. However, i count my blessings too. I got accepted into the two universities to which i applied, i am constantly growing in my relationship with God and just today while sitting in the bath and just speaking to God with whom i also went MIA for a bit, i smiled with the realisation that happiness is not everything being the way we want it to be, it's not a good united family, it's not that boy that makes you go loco, it's not that girl who you think you can't do without, it's with you!
My eyes were opened to see that all this time, i was saddened over the little things in life that were affecting me and i could've sworn i was getting depressed, i had the power to say to hell with it, i will be happy. I'm alive and well; and because of that, i know that there is hope and with hope comes a belief in yourself that only you are in control of and one that is non-dwindling because if the whole world decided to abandon you, forget about you, you're the one person you can count on, isn't that a good feeling?
So count your blessings as we draw to the end of the year, be happy from within you, dont base your happiness on others because boy, will you be sorry! take it from someone who's been there. Enjoy the person that you are, celebrate it! If it takes you going on some retail therapy binging, do it! Get those crazy pants that make your friends go 'huh? that's ugly', who cares? no one dictates the rules except you. Whatever you do with these few days of the year 2010 left, be happy. Don't reflect on the 'could have, should have, would have' When we get to 2011, we'll deal with that.
Enjoy the festive season all! Stay blessed.
Sources of Photos
Special thanks to Amanda who reminded me i had a job to do. Thanks for being an avid follower!:)
Friday, November 12, 2010
I'm back! :)
So uhmm...i haven't blogged in way too long. My excuse? I had writer's block. Ok, no i'm lying, i just didn't feel like it, i was way too lazy. But, i had time to tweet and change my profile photo on Facebook, write on people's walls, send them messages on Facebook; dude! I even watched videos on You-Tube. So, yes, i allow you, just this once though, to criticise me. Believe you me, it couldn't be worse than how much i've already chided myself for being so irresponsible, i mean come on, i'm supposed to be 18. Geez! (oh crap! i just told you my age.o well...tell anyone and i'll kick you in the shin...oh believe me, you dont wanna be messing with me, i've got a 6ft brother and i still whoop his bum! Yezir!)
Anyway, i haven't been up to much lately, my life has been very boring you see. Still busy with exams and i'm so over it already, all i do is study, daydream, sleep and go on the internet.(Oh i haven't forgotten you Mxit, holllaaaaaa) Anyway, there's nothing new on which to report. I'm freaking out because i'm not sure what i want to do with my life and i'm going shopping tomorrow for my dad and bestie whose birthdays are both this month. I figure if i get something nice for my dad, the greater the chances of him increasing my Christmas shopping budget allowance, so I've got to be smart on this one i.e something nice with a low price tag and pretend i spent all i had on it (genius! don't u think?)
Also, i cut my hair, it turned out pretty awesome i must say, i posted photos on facebook you can go look. Also, i grew back my brows(yay!) Ok, this is the story with my eye brows, i've got full brows yeah, and regardless of what anyone else thinks, i love them! So this congolese lady while preparing for my matric dance decides she'll just give it some shape, i looked lyk a hairless chicken afterwards (i dont know if that makes sense, anyway, you get my point) Lesson learnt - do not let other people touch the brows, jealousy'll make them do stuff to it you see.

I'm getting a new phone that's been long overdue. Call me a spoilt brat, but, the way i go through phones is appalling. This is the longest I've ever had the same phone and it's only been 10 months. I named him 'Alejandro' because he got lost for a day and i was miserable because i couldn't go on Mxit the whole night, now that I've discovered that Mxit can be downloaded on computers, it could go on and die for all i care. Funny thing is, i take good care of my phones. I figure I'll give my current phone to someone who needs one (sorry people, i would ask you to holler if you do, but, I've already got someone in mind). No, I'm not getting a Black Berry, yet (muahahahaha...that's my evil laughter) I'm going to have two phones(smiles and shows teeth then, rubs palms together), the Nokia touch screen my dad's getting me today and a Black Berry my mother's getting me in January. I need a work phone and a social phone (that's how i like to see it...:P I'm such a materialistic nut,it's called being African or so I'd like to think). Who says divorce doesn't come with it's blessings?
Ok, that is all for now. I feel like I've shared way too much already. Oh and I've got something planned really soon, I'm keeping it on the down low though, however, when it's done y'all in Blogville will be the first to know.
Do unto others what you'll like them to do unto you. Live, Laugh and Love my people. Peace!
Sources of photos:
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
'll be gone till November
It's November...yay!
November is a good month, at least i hope it will be. For me, it's the month I finish my two-month long exams. It's the month my dad, sister and best girlie all have their birthdays hence, lots of cake, yum! It's the month 'lil Wayne gets out of jail, hence, the 'i'll be gone till November' title. It's the month closest to December where i get lots of goodies and pretend to believe in Santa Claus simply because i missed out on that in my childhood (Nigerian kids weren't taught to make-believe, any child caught doing that was said to be possessed by evil spirits because he/ she was seeing things that do not exist) what else? o yes, I'm glad I'm alive and well enough to see the new month. Not many have been as fortunate you see, so be thankful, if not for anything, but for the mere fact that you're breathing and you've got a pulse, however weak.
Ok, so you know how people usually have new year resolutions, well, being the creative lass that i am, i decided oh why the heck not, I'll draw up a new month resolution. So, every month I'll have a set of things that i hope to accomplish. Some believe it's bad luck to tell people your resolutions, however, because I'm me I'll share mine with you.
- I decided I will be a stronger christian i.e no more gossipping, no more unnecessary sarcasm except on my blog, and a few other things i don't think i should share. I'll read my bible more and really be in touch with my spirituality and with God.
- I plan to be more focused: I've got a few exams left and i shall do less facebooking, less novel reading and less day dreaming.
- I have decided to commit myself to a healthier eating routine: i don't have a problem with this, but, chocolate usually gets in the way.
- I have resolved to care more, love more and laugh more
- I have decided to have faith that i shall get an A in that Maths paper even though it was tough as nails and it screwed me from behind ( Ok no kidding here, it really did, y'all please pray for me.thanks!)
- Oh yeah, i shall also watch my language. Oops! PS. I have started making substitutions eg. Poop for Shit, Fudge for the F word, Molly Cow for Holy Cow etc. (I know, i know they're really lame, but hey i gotta start from somewhere, do not judge!)
- I have also vowed to appreciate people in my life more because i realise that without them, i wouldn't be the person that i am. I would send a special shout out individually but i think I'll reach the word limit for blogging, whatever the word limit is, that's how blessed i am.
- Finally, i have resolved to get more involved with my blogging and to really fill you guys in on the goings-on in my life, even if they're made up because i think i owe you that much.
Have you done any self reflection lately? because sometimes we tend to find flaws in others that we ourselves possess. How about you do one now and make yourself a list of things you want to achieve this month. Nothing is impossible guys, the aim after all, is to be the best you possible. It starts now!
Thanks to all those who view my blog and those that have gone on to become followers. I only became active last month, and the amount of growth has been absolutely amazing. If you have any enquiries or requests or comments, leave a comment or e-mail me on my e-mail address which can be viewed on my profile. And i, in turn will get back to you.
Thank you all!
Acknowledgement: Photos from: birthday,,
Saturday, October 30, 2010
It's ok!
It's ok to decide not to air kiss
but to go all out and plant a kiss on the stunned person's cheek
(Oh dont go complaining now, not my fault you're wearing loads of make-up and it's all smudged with my kiss, every proper lady knows to carry around extra stash, for 'unforeseen contingencies')
It's ok to despise people in relationships
simply because you've been unlucky in love
and to put on the fake sad face when sally comes crying
about how she got dumped
and you go aww shame, poor thing!
when what you mean to say is:
"I knew it, good for nothing scumbags those men!"
(Oh shh...most of us human beings have been there)
It's ok to cheat on your diet
sometimes nothing does it better than a big slab of chocolate
and nice movies where the characters have a far more depressing life than you do
not even the 'friendlings'(friends, frenemies, busy-bodies, amebos, gbegboruns, gossips)
can beat that.
It's ok to cry out loud
and ask God 'where art thou?'
when the going gets tough and it seems too much to bear
(Atheists, i dont mean to exclude you here, i suppose you could cry out to the universe?)
It's ok to cry for no good reason
It's healthy to cry and if you haven't in a while
you may wanna try it
it's therapeutic especially if you're not into BLOGGOTHERRAPY
Special note to the boys: There comes a period in the month where some ladies get very teary eyed, do not be alarmed when your girlfriend, mother, friend with benefits, friend or sister cries for no good reason it could be the uhmm...hormones.
(haha...i've always wanted to do that, it's kinda like explaining to a little child where babies come from...hilarious!)
It's ok to laugh at your own corny jokes
like i do all the time
though i recently found a special person
who seems to find me funny
and now my jokes dont seem so funny anymore
they were meant for just me you know
i was the only one who ever got them
now there's another.
it's like my jokes cheated on me you know?
You're still special Gid.:)
It's ok to fail sometimes
that's what makes the taste of success so much sweeter
you can finally say
''i have a story to tell''
or for the church goers, you can finally have a 1hour testimony to tell, shout out to my fellow Nigerian church goers!
It's ok to feel vulnerable
It's ok to stand up for what you believe in
It's ok to cry till you've got no tears left
It's ok to laugh so hard you snort
It's ok to feel sad because the world judges you
though they do not know you
It's ok to say: 'to hell with the world
I'm doing me.'
It's ok to be real
It's ok to do you.
''Be yourself everyone else is taken''
It's ok to say at noon:
but to go all out and plant a kiss on the stunned person's cheek
(Oh dont go complaining now, not my fault you're wearing loads of make-up and it's all smudged with my kiss, every proper lady knows to carry around extra stash, for 'unforeseen contingencies')
It's ok to despise people in relationships
simply because you've been unlucky in love
and to put on the fake sad face when sally comes crying
about how she got dumped
and you go aww shame, poor thing!
when what you mean to say is:
"I knew it, good for nothing scumbags those men!"
(Oh shh...most of us human beings have been there)
It's ok to cheat on your diet
sometimes nothing does it better than a big slab of chocolate
and nice movies where the characters have a far more depressing life than you do
not even the 'friendlings'(friends, frenemies, busy-bodies, amebos, gbegboruns, gossips)
can beat that.
It's ok to cry out loud
and ask God 'where art thou?'
when the going gets tough and it seems too much to bear
(Atheists, i dont mean to exclude you here, i suppose you could cry out to the universe?)
It's ok to cry for no good reason
It's healthy to cry and if you haven't in a while
you may wanna try it
it's therapeutic especially if you're not into BLOGGOTHERRAPY
Special note to the boys: There comes a period in the month where some ladies get very teary eyed, do not be alarmed when your girlfriend, mother, friend with benefits, friend or sister cries for no good reason it could be the uhmm...hormones.
(haha...i've always wanted to do that, it's kinda like explaining to a little child where babies come from...hilarious!)
It's ok to laugh at your own corny jokes
like i do all the time
though i recently found a special person
who seems to find me funny
and now my jokes dont seem so funny anymore
they were meant for just me you know
i was the only one who ever got them
now there's another.
it's like my jokes cheated on me you know?
You're still special Gid.:)
It's ok to fail sometimes
that's what makes the taste of success so much sweeter
you can finally say
''i have a story to tell''
or for the church goers, you can finally have a 1hour testimony to tell, shout out to my fellow Nigerian church goers!
It's ok to feel vulnerable
It's ok to stand up for what you believe in
It's ok to cry till you've got no tears left
It's ok to laugh so hard you snort
It's ok to feel sad because the world judges you
though they do not know you
It's ok to say: 'to hell with the world
I'm doing me.'
It's ok to be real
It's ok to do you.
''Be yourself everyone else is taken''
It's ok to say at noon:
Thursday, October 28, 2010
And what is this thing with people phoning me to wish me luck, writing on my wall too even tweeting me luck in some cases. I know you mean well and all, but all you're doing is freaking me out. It reminds me of one of my Nigerian teachers who used to say "i wish you what you wish yourself" but now 'yourself' was pronounced 'yaaasssseeefff' and it had a sing-song tone to it like he was mocking you. I have been having nightmares of his squeaky nasal voice...i wake up expecting to see his sly grin (kinda like that joker, 'y so serious?' grin) but then i realise it's only a bad dream...not cool. My uncle phoned me at like 10pm last night and was telling me stuff like"do your best, your very best" and i kept diverting the conversation to talks on his numerous girlfriends and deliberating on which one of 'em he's going to marry ( boy, did we analyse?) At last, he gave up and then we went on to talk about how he wants an Indian wife that can dance like they do in the bollywood movies...he's a bollywood movie addict you see.
Just when i thought that was over, i got an sms from some random person i haven't spoken to in forever wishing me luck and this other guy sends me an sms(cheap, i know, at least phone me if you're gonna put me under pressure) anyway, he says Halleluyah like 10 times in a 1-page sms and this to wish me luck! Shame, he was only trying to be nice...o well. Africans and their over religionism (i know, i know it's not a word but Ag..this is my therapy, I'm allowed)...don't get me wrong, i love the lord and i know he loves me too, don't over do it you know? it's a relationship between you and God, showoffs!
I'm stressed, I'm breaking out (my dad took one look at my face and actually said I'm gonna have to go to the derma, that's how bad it is), i probably shouldn't be blogging now, but i needed to release the negative energy, like i said it's my therapy, 'Bloggotherapy' i like to call it. Yes, yes indeed, add it to your dictionary.Y'all should totally try this, if you don't have a thing for writing, just write in a journal or a diary or something, it helps i tell you.
Bonjour! (even though it's not morning...agg who cares?)
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