The new semester starts today.
Lately, I've been getting a lot of alone time, which I really can say, does not bother me at all, if anything, I'm thankful, finally I can breathe.You know as individuals, life is tough, it's easy to get caught up in its nonsense and nearly lose it which is why we need that 'quiet time' as some people call it, in which to reflect on our lives as a whole, on the day's activities, a decision to be made and for believers to pray to God.In doing this, I have found peace and contentment. I have also been able to delve deep within myself to understand me and to get a real sense of who I am.
#inother news(I forgot to tell you, I have finally begun to understand twitter, and proud to say, I am a certified tweep, yes,you may give the applause) A wise woman once said to me,'choose your friends, do not let them choose you' unbeknownst to me, this was going to come in handy, as only recently did I get a true sense of what this statement really meant.This brings me to my main message to you today.
You see, life is all about choices. The choices we make determine who we are, what we are going to be, and what we are becoming; good or bad they will lead to their respective consequences. Hell, that you're here today is as a result of a decision two adults(let's hope) made (don't worry even if you were an accident baby, you're still a result of a choice to have sex).Bottom line, you were brought into the world, due to choices made.
In this semester, I have made certain choices which I hope will bring me peace and comfort. Some friends are going to take a hike, others I will draw closer, my bible's going to become a book to which I intend to get acquainted and it shall cease being my bedside table decoration as well as, I intend to do a lot of growing up(sick-face) and best of all, whilst doing all of this, I intend to still find the time to have good fun and enjoy what life has to offer.
If you're reading this and you're currently in a really dark corner in your life, I would recommend you pray however, if you're agnostic or atheist I will say this, It only takes you closing your eyes to stop and breathe and take in the full sense of what's happening to you and in your life and make deliberate changes(once again, choices) to them. What bothers you? What's depressing you? What can you do to change it? What do you want out of life? Then, get up, wipe those tears or that frown or that smirk, and start Now!!! It only takes that first oh so little step to be just that much closer to whatever it is that you so desire.
Goodluck all and may you all find peace, serenity and happiness.
I have to head to class now before Prof Fish Lips begins to have a fit!
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