Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Hello Everybody!

So this is my first ever blog post...
Do forgive me if it's over bearing and maybe just a tad bit boring.

So, i intend to make this kinda like my own diary, thoughts on my daily activities and the things that i see or encounter around me, Hence the name, bonjour!

Today is a pretty typical day except i'm on holiday. I've had breakfast and i'm probably going to be a couch potato as usual. U know the thing with human beings is we're never satisfied, we complain when we ned to work or go to school and then the holidays come and we complain about how boring it is. How about we all drop dead? Gosh!

I feel that we must all get to a place where we can just be content. Yh right! like that'll ever happen.

Anyway, this is me. I'm your average teenager(at least i hope so) : effervescent, a bit vain, fashion is life,religious most of the time, pasionate about music (but isn't it ironic that i dnt play any instruments...hmmm) and well, that's what you need to know for now.

So please leave comments, be nice and polite, treat people the way you want to be treated and respect everyone including yourself. Enjoy your day!


1 comment:

  1. Yippee,first to comment on Moyo's blog.anyways,let me stop being vain. Nice one Moyo and very true, we have to learn to be content.I like the "So Please leave comment,be nice and polite" part
    good start sis, looking forward to more of your thots and blogging.
