So uhmm...i haven't blogged in way too long. My excuse? I had writer's block. Ok, no i'm lying, i just didn't feel like it, i was way too lazy. But, i had time to tweet and change my profile photo on Facebook, write on people's walls, send them messages on Facebook; dude! I even watched videos on You-Tube. So, yes, i allow you, just this once though, to criticise me. Believe you me, it couldn't be worse than how much i've already chided myself for being so irresponsible, i mean come on, i'm supposed to be 18. Geez! (oh crap! i just told you my age.o well...tell anyone and i'll kick you in the shin...oh believe me, you dont wanna be messing with me, i've got a 6ft brother and i still whoop his bum! Yezir!)
Anyway, i haven't been up to much lately, my life has been very boring you see. Still busy with exams and i'm so over it already, all i do is study, daydream, sleep and go on the internet.(Oh i haven't forgotten you Mxit, holllaaaaaa) Anyway, there's nothing new on which to report. I'm freaking out because i'm not sure what i want to do with my life and i'm going shopping tomorrow for my dad and bestie whose birthdays are both this month. I figure if i get something nice for my dad, the greater the chances of him increasing my Christmas shopping budget allowance, so I've got to be smart on this one i.e something nice with a low price tag and pretend i spent all i had on it (genius! don't u think?)
Also, i cut my hair, it turned out pretty awesome i must say, i posted photos on facebook you can go look. Also, i grew back my brows(yay!) Ok, this is the story with my eye brows, i've got full brows yeah, and regardless of what anyone else thinks, i love them! So this congolese lady while preparing for my matric dance decides she'll just give it some shape, i looked lyk a hairless chicken afterwards (i dont know if that makes sense, anyway, you get my point) Lesson learnt - do not let other people touch the brows, jealousy'll make them do stuff to it you see.

I'm getting a new phone that's been long overdue. Call me a spoilt brat, but, the way i go through phones is appalling. This is the longest I've ever had the same phone and it's only been 10 months. I named him 'Alejandro' because he got lost for a day and i was miserable because i couldn't go on Mxit the whole night, now that I've discovered that Mxit can be downloaded on computers, it could go on and die for all i care. Funny thing is, i take good care of my phones. I figure I'll give my current phone to someone who needs one (sorry people, i would ask you to holler if you do, but, I've already got someone in mind). No, I'm not getting a Black Berry, yet (muahahahaha...that's my evil laughter) I'm going to have two phones(smiles and shows teeth then, rubs palms together), the Nokia touch screen my dad's getting me today and a Black Berry my mother's getting me in January. I need a work phone and a social phone (that's how i like to see it...:P I'm such a materialistic nut,it's called being African or so I'd like to think). Who says divorce doesn't come with it's blessings?
Ok, that is all for now. I feel like I've shared way too much already. Oh and I've got something planned really soon, I'm keeping it on the down low though, however, when it's done y'all in Blogville will be the first to know.
Do unto others what you'll like them to do unto you. Live, Laugh and Love my people. Peace!
Sources of photos: